In the heart of Agastya Academy, an extraordinary tale of dedication and environmental preservation unfolded. It’s a tale centred around the venerable Mother Mirra, a Banyan tree whose journey from one life to another symbolizes our deep reverence for nature. This blog recounts the awe-inspiring events of her transplantation and celebrates her continued presence at our academy.
The Unexpected Call
It all began on July 4, 2020, with an unexpected phone call from my cousin,Mr. Rajeshwaran. He informed me of a grand Banyan tree at his factory site that faced removal due to construction plans. As I approached this majestic tree, I was overwhelmed by a profound sense of responsibility and reluctance. This tree was not merely a plant but a living entity that had stood witness to countless seasons.
The Mission Begins
Despite the emotional weight, we knew the tree's preservation was crucial. A few drops of rain seemed to offer a divine nod to proceed. We decided to transplant the tree to Agastya Academy, where it would continue to thrive. We prepared a spacious pit and sought the necessary permissions and blessings to undertake this delicate operation.
The process was meticulous. We pruned the tree's branches, treating the wounds with healing paste and plaster. On July 11, 2020, the formidable Hitachi excavator arrived, its robust arms beginning the task of unearthing the tree’s roots. The endeavour required the combined strength of three large JCBs and a 12-ton crane to gently dislodge and lift the tree from its long-time home.
Mother Mirra’s Divine Journey
As the tree was lifted, the sight was nothing short of divine. Transported on a truck with her roots facing forward, the tree resembled the revered Kaali Devi, her branches like outstretched arms. This majestic display attracted many onlookers, who captured the extraordinary event on their cameras, marvelling at the tree's grand procession.
Arriving at Agastya Campus, we were greeted by a gentle drizzle, which we saw as an auspicious sign of approval. The tree’s new home awaited her, and the meticulous process of positioning her began. For over four hours, three cranes and multiple JCBs worked in harmony to place the tree in its new location, while I meditated, hoping for the preservation of her delicate root system.
Settling In
Finally, Mother Mirra found her new place at Agastya Academy, where she has since been cherished and revered. This monumental effort to relocate her was not just about preserving a tree but honouring the deep connection we share with nature.
Celebrating Her Legacy
This year marked Mother Mirra’s fourth birthday at Agastya Academy a testament to the success of our preservation efforts. The celebration was a heartfelt occasion, with children lighting lamps to seek her blessings. The event transformed into a joyous festival, reflecting our commitment to honouring and nurturing nature.
Reflecting on the Journey
As we celebrate Mother Mirra, we are reminded of the respect, reverence, and connection to nature that guided her journey. Her presence at Agastya Academy is a living symbol of our dedication to environmental preservation and our deep bond with the natural world.
We advise everyone to honour Mother Mirra and the values she represents, a harmonious coexistence with nature and a commitment to environment preservation for future generations.
Vidhya Chendil
Managing Director, Agastya Academy